
What can I do to relieve tired legs?

The therapeutic approach to chronic venous insufficiency leading to tired legs aims to control symptoms and to prevent progression of the disease. In less severe and uncomplicated cases, steps to be taken include the modification of lifestyle habits and the use of compression and pharmacological treatments.1

With regard to the modification of lifestyle habits, the following is recommended:1,2

  • Weight and diet management.
  • Frequent walking and exercise.
  • Avoid standing, and do not wear tight-fitting clothes and shoes.
  • Avoid heat sources and direct sunlight.


Why can exercise relieve tired legs?

Exercise involves movement of the ankle joints and strengthens the calf muscle pump, promoting blood return to the heart, and therefore may help to improve the symptoms associated with venous insufficiency.1,3


What sports should I play?

To prevent and alleviate restless legs syndrome, walkingswimming or cycling for at least 30 minutes a day is recommended.4,5 In addition, yoga, and in particular inverted postures, could also help to improve venous circulation in the legs.6


Stretching and exercises to prevent and relieve tired legs 

  • Open and close your feet: sitting on a chair, and without lifting your feet off the floor, repeatedly move the tips of your feet apart and together.5

  • Ankle rotations: sitting on a chair, lift one foot off the floor and rotate the ankle clockwise first, then counterclockwise. Repeat with the other leg.7


  • Foot swinging: gently swing your feet from front to back, from the toes to the heels.5

  • Heel lifts: sitting on a chair, or standing, raise and lower your heels, keeping your toes in contact with the floor.5


  • Knee flexing and arch extension: sitting on a chair, raise the knee and bend it slightly, bringing the calf close to the thigh. At the same time, stretch the foot pointing the toes towards the floor.7

  • Leg extension: sitting on a chair, stretch one of your legs until it is completely straight, stretching the arch at the same time. Repeat with the other leg.7

  • Walk on your heels for a few minutes.5:

  • Tiptoe for a few minutes.5

  • Raised legs: lying on the floor, with your legs raised and extended, flex and relax your toes repeatedly.5

  • Legs apart and together: lying on the floor, spread and bring your legs together (without lifting them).5

  • Circles in the air:lying on the ground, raise one leg and make circular movements in both directions.. Repeat with the other leg.5


  1. Maya RA, Pérez F. Documento SEMG: Manejo y derivación en insuficiencia venosa crónica. 2017. Available at: https://www.semg.es/images/stories/recursos/2017/documentos/Monografia_INSF.VENOSA.CRONICA.pdf. Last accessed May 2022
  2. Piera Fernández M. Piernas cansadas. Atención especial. Farmacia Profesional. 2002;16:96-99. Available at: https://www.elsevier.es/es-revista-farmacia-profesional-3-articulo-piernas-cansadas-atencion-especial-13038247 Last accessed June 2022
  3. Araujo DN, Ribeiro CT, Maciel AC, Bruno SS, Fregonezi GA, Dias FA. Physical exercise for the treatment of non-ulcerated chronic venous insufficiency. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 03 de 2016;12:CD010637. Available at https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27914110/ Last accessed June 2022
  4. Sociedad Española de Farmacia Comunitaria. Guía práctica para prevenir y tratar el síndrome de piernas cansadas. Available at: https://www.sefac.org/sites/default/files/2017-11/Sind__piernas_cansadas.pdf Last accessed May 2022
  5. Sociedad Española de Farmacia Comunitaria. Ejercicios para piernas cansadas. Available at:  https://www.sefac.org/documentos-publicaciones-sefac/ejercicios-para-piernas-cansadas  Last accessed June 2022
  1. Woodyard C. Exploring the therapeutic effects of yoga and its ability to increase quality of life. Int J Yoga. 2011 Jul;4:49-54. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3193654/ Last accessed June 2022
  2. O’Donovan KJ, Bajd T, Grace PA, et al. Preliminary Evaluation of Recommended Airline Exercises for Optimal Calf Muscle Pump Activity. EJVES Extra. 2006;12:1-5. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejvsextra.2006.04.001 Last accessed June 2022